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Recent Ratings: Artwork 6.10 | Accent Chairs 5.10 | Bar Stools 4.10 | Comforter Sets Under $150 3.10 | Frames 2.10 | Coasters 1.10 | Mirrors 11.09 | Couches Under $1,000 12.09 | Dressers 10.09 | Beds 9.09 | More: 

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Artwork 6.10

Rated three stars or better

Bone Inlay Medallion

Tia Wall Art

Gold Circles Mirror

Silhouette Wall Art

Azienda Wall Art

Warmth Wall Art

Lattice Wall Candle Holder

Kaleidoscope Wall Art

Grand Vision Canvas Wall Art

Bali Spice Wall Art

Einsteins Quotes B Framed Art

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Celeste on Artwork 6.10: I guess anything is better than some Animal House/"College" poster held up by thumbtacks or tape, so just go with what you like and make sure it adds something to your space, and is somewhat... more

Celeste on Artwork 6.10: I guess anything is better than some Animal House/"College" poster held up by thumbtacks or tape, so just go with what you like and make sure it adds something to your space, and is somewhat... more

Sarah on Artwork 6.10: You don't live in a dorm room anymore. Pick some kind of style and stick with it. Pick some decent pieces and then some nice framed photos - we wanna see who you hang with and where you came from!