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Wanna see what women don't like? Create a panel | SHOPPING TIPSJoanna on Cowboy Hats 5.10: Men should NEVER wear cowboy hats in public. They are ridiculous looking and should only be worn as a costume.
Christan on Cowboy Hats 5.10: not really my thing...but if a guy is creative and funky enough to pull them off, why not?!
Sam on Cowboy Hats 5.10: Not even if you live in Texas
Molly on Cowboy Hats 5.10: I'm not a huge fan...scratch that...I'm not at all a fan of a guy wearing a cowboy hat to a first date! I understand that men want to represent their own personal style but this goes a little too... more
Sam on Cowboy Hats 5.10: Not even if you live in Texas
Joanna on Cowboy Hats 5.10: Men should NEVER wear cowboy hats in public. They are ridiculous looking and should only be worn as a costume.
Anastasia on Cowboy Hats 5.10: There is no need for cowboy hats unless we are on a ranch. Enough said.
Aly on Cowboy Hats 5.10: Unless you are a cowboy, or attending a cowboy themed party-I would suggest staying away from cowboy hats.
Jenna on Cowboy Hats 5.10: Unless we are on a ranch or it's Halloween, I'm not a cowboy hat kinda girl. lol
Christan on Cowboy Hats 5.10: not really my thing...but if a guy is creative and funky enough to pull them off, why not?!